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Tree of life, 2021

The tree of life is a symbol present in many cultures and religions. For the most part, its meaning is similar. In the first one, it is to be a link between two worlds: terrestrial, material and cosmic, immaterial. As above so below. As in Heaven so on Earth. What does it mean? Perhaps this is a reflection of the fact that the astral world is very similar to what most people see every day. In many reports of people who experienced clinical death (especially as a result of some sudden, unexpected event), there is a lack of awareness of their own death caused by being in a space identical to the one in which they lived. Is there a universe beyond the astral space whose principles are the same as those on earth? A world where there are emotions, wars, discussions, family?

Maybe it is an allegory of a theory according to everything that's in us is reflected outside? Our thoughts and emotions act as a magnets attracting to our lives the events, people and circumstances that resonate with them. What is recorded in our collective subconscious mind creates the events that take place on Earth. The question is, what is programming your subconscious mind? What do you think?

In the second sense, the tree of life is intended to bear fruit that guarantees immortality, so it represents eternal life. The cycle that trees go through seasons reflects the wheel of life, rebirth, perhaps the process of reincarnation itself. In the Christian religion, eternal life is promised to those who overcome their propensity to sin. Is it really so? Is it not that we are already immortal? If you assume the existence of a Spirit, trusting that your body is only a vehicle, an avatar enabling your true Self to experience material life, you know that your life is already eternal. Your true self is the Source Spark, so you are not exactly a child of God but a part of him, with a separate consciousness, but the same core, the same light.

In many legends trees are inhabited by human souls, in others they have their own consciousness and are separate beings. Have you ever tried, like a child, to stand silently by a tree, touch its bark and feel it? What will you feel? I don't know, try it yourself. How was it?

Trees are amazing creatures. I sincerely recommend you to read the book The Secret Life of Trees (Peter Wohlleben) to fully understand how they communicate with each other, how they experience, how they feel. This is not a fantasy novel! Peter Wohlleben is a forestry engineer with many years of experience working as a forester. He wrote his book based on experience and research, not fantasy :)

I placed mountain crystals in the painting to give it a functional character. What can you do with crystals? Program it! More about it in THIS post.

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