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Programming crystals

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Crystals are such forms of substances (i.e. both stones and liquids) that are characterized by a regular spatial structure. No, it won't be a chemistry lecture :) But I don't want you to think that crystal programming is some esoteric fairy tale. Everything in the universe is energy, having vibration and frequency (Nikola Tesla), and so are crystals. In addition, they can record information and intentions, and thanks to their geometric, fixed structure, they emit constant frequencies. The fact that we do not hear their sound is due to the very narrow range of our ability to perceive sounds (human: 16-20000 Hz, dog: 15-30000 Hz, dolphin: 20-150000 Hz).

Do you need antything else to believe in magic? :) You don't have to. We have come to a point in the development of civilization when science begins to connect with spirituality and magic. Everything that so far seemed to be "unexplained miracles" reveals its secrets thanks to the experiences of scientists. Here again, I recommend you to explore quantum physics.

I've started program crystals after reading the book "Earth, Water, Fire, Wind. Our Connection with Mother Earth" (2017), by Kiesha Crowther, a world-famous shaman. It is a beautiful, healing guide to the world of the elements that surround us. With their help, Kiesha will guide you through the recesses of your own inner power and help you discover your connection with nature. The book combines the issues of spirituality and psychology, and also tells the story of Kiesha's shamanic adventures in a fascinating way. I encourage you to read it!

Finally, I would like to mention a situation that has forced me to rethink why am I doing this. During the meeting with my friends, I told them about the crystals. Then one of them said it was basically just an object that I use to help me express my awareness. Like a religious object that is a source of faith. I don't really need it, because it is my consciousness that creates reality and I might as well heal or energize myself with my own thoughts. She was right, but... Yes, it is our consciousness, this divine spark that we carry within ourselves, that creates reality. However, crystals also, like everything in the world, have their own unique consciousness. Programming them is like asking a friend to pray for our success. In addition, we as humans have a very choppy vibration (varying range of emitted frequencies) because we are beings with big range of emotions and these emotions often change, transforming our electromagnetic field. We are not all Christs, whose level of consciousness, control of own thoughts and emotions was close to the Source :) The crystals emit vibrations with constant, specific values, thanks to which we can support ourselves on a previously written program at moments when our emotions do not allow us for stability. Crystals are also a source of energy that we can use when we don't have it enough. So they are not so much tools (in my view) as partners. Finally, thanks to the friend who inspired me to write about this:)

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