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Healing power of the forest

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

"One day we'll discover that Mother Nature is always right". R. Dahlke

These words come from the book "The Biophilia Effect - A Scientific and Spiritual Exploration of the Healing Bond between Humans and Nature". Clemens Arvay is a scientist of Austrian descent. He was awarded the title of European Professional Biologist by the Association of Biologists of European Countries. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Graz. He is a promoter of eco-psychosomatics: an approach that adds to the influence of the psyche on human health, the impact of the external environment, in particular the nature we come from and in which we are immersed.

His research confirms that nature, especially the forest, has a magical effect on human health, mind and even soul. It affects all our senses and also literally provides us with medicines!

"When you inhale the forest air, you swallow with it a wonderful cocktail of bioactive substances

that the plants gave into the world into the forest air."

This healing drink contains essential oils and terpenes to support and stimulate the immune system. When I go to the forest with a cold, I find it easier to breathe immediately and the headache disappears quickly. Numerous studies have been carried out in nursing homes where residents were allowed to go outside into gardens and forests. Such people needed much less painkillers than those who were "in concrete" all the time!

There is one more aspect of contact with nature: spiritual. Arvay distinguishes two types of attention: focused attention and fascination. The latter appears when we are in contact with nature, introducing us to a specific state of concentration, the state of flow. In this state we are here and now, we easily train our mindfulness, we relax, we get in touch with our higher self. In such a state we can experience "enlightenment": it is easier to solve some difficult life problems, get inspiration, get rid of discouragement or pessimism. We can contact that divine spark that connects us to All That Is.

No, you are unlikely to hear voices in your head. Spirit communicates through intuition.

You may get the feeling that you "just know" a deep, silent conviction.

Why it affects us in such way? I think it's because we are connected with earth as a part of her consciousness. Then she is linked to the universe, to other dimensions where our true selves exists. She’s a portal for our invisible bodies. We live thanks to her, we've always been so close to the nature... Only last few hundreds years ago that changed. But is it beneficial for us? I don't think so. Fortunately I see more and more people who feel it to. And want to come back.

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