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Life is light, 2022

Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? - this is the title of Paul Gaugin's painting. In my personal opinion, not very beautiful and bringing no answer. And yet it provokes reflection and touches on one of the most important issues in our lives.

Who we really are?

To answer this question, we have to go back and ask: who made us?

Were people and the world created by chance? Or maybe in the process of evolution which isolated the strongest species? Are you a follower of science? Do you think scientists have all the answers? So why can't they explain the phenomena of dreams, clairvoyance, and clinical death? They don't know all the functions of the brain, they don't know why we use only a few percent of our potential. They cover themselves with stories of fantasy, imagination, delirium, mental illness, and at the same time they admit that they don't know everything. Here I will recommend numerous books of Danuta Adamaska-Rutkowska (graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology). Unfortunately she writes only in Polish. But from english literature try Gregg Branden's books.

Due to many years of programming our thoughts with ideas about our creator in the form of personified deities or anthropomorphic creatures, many people, when thinking about who created us, see an old man on a cloud or in a tree. At the same time, atheists burst out laughing. No wonder there are more and more of them. This vision of God also amuses me :)

So who is the Source? Yes, I prefer this term because it has no sexual characteristics or anthropomorphic associations, and it does not bring to mind any specific physical form or personality to be worshiped.

  1. The Source is anthropomorphic: not in the physical sense, because it has no form in the dimension our bodies are in. It's all about the type of energy. It consists of both male and female energy.

  2. The Source is conscious. That is a state in which it is aware of the existence of itself and the phenomena taking place in the environment. It has all levels of consciousness within it.

  3. The source is darkness. In 69% of the universe consists of the so-called dark energy, 27% dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. Here again the aspect of femininity appears (in symbolism often identified with black, e.g. yin and yang). I do not want the association to arise here that darkness is the same as evil. The scientific world cannot yet explain what exactly dark energy and dark matter are.

  4. Source is also light. Light is electromagnetic radiation, that is, a wave that can vary in frequency and length. Light is the carrier of information. The smallest particle of light is a photon that has energy of its own, and therefore the Source is energy.

This mix of light and dark can be compared to the information cloud that surrounds and permeates all that is. I like to think of Source as some kind of superintelligence, being multi-dimensional, multi-density, immortal and energetic. It is often said to be omniscient. But if that were true, would it has to create the universe? So what does it not know? It certainly did not know what it meant to not be and what death was. Therefore, it created the illusion of death (we experience this in our physical bodies when we leave them) and the illusion of not being the Source (our amnesia makes thousands of people believe that they are just a collection of biological cells). Maybe it knew everything, but didn't feel it? Maybe the Universe was created to gather experience, a feeling, what is it like: to love, hate, regret, enjoy?

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