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Forest Temple, 2021

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

How do you feel, when you are in the forest?

Have you ever taken off your shoes to be able to touch the moss with your bare feet? No? You should. Close your eyes and breathe consciously. The forest is the temple of the Earth. Earth is our Mother, whether you like it or not. Our bodies belong to its matter, it feeds us with its energy, and without it we cannot exist as physical bodies. We are Her. Both Her, the forest and its inhabitants have their own consciousness.

Nowadays, we are surrounded by artificiality and lies. Electrosmog, artificial intelligence, technology, synthetics, chemistry in food, food additives, genetic modifications. Don't you think it distances us from being who we really are? Do you feel comfortable in such conditions? I do not:)

I love the forest and I feel a deep need to be as close to nature as possible. When my head hurts from working on the computer, I take off my shoes and go out into the garden. Pain passes within minutes. And trips to the forest fill me with peace, they literally HEAL my body and soul. They restore connection with the elements we are made of.

Have you heard about dendrotherapy? This is a scientifically proven tree treatment. Trees ionize the air and create a healing electromagnetic field. The forest is a great producer of the life-giving gas oxygen. Essential oils float in the forest air. As we exhale air from the lungs, trees draw it in through leaves and needles. They read from our breath who we are, what hurts us, what we lack. And they start producing complementary substances tailored to our needs! Isn't that real magic? Trees emit bactericidal and antiviral compounds. In the forest you will find thousands of herbs, wild mushrooms and edible plants that can supplement the deficiencies of minerals and vitamins (so common nowadays!). It's uncontaminated, free food. Considering the constantly rising prices of organic food, it is impossible not to take advantage of it!

One such herb is nettle. Not very pleasant in physical contact, but after taming (processing) it compensates for its unfriendly first impression :) I recommend tea from its dried leaves (you can drink it every day), nettle soup, hair rinses, bath in water with decoction. To give you a substitute of forest energy, I dried the nettle and made a pigment from it, which I used to create the image of the Forest Temple. I also added natural tourmaline crystal, which emits vibrations neutralizing electrosmog.

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