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Deep earth, 2022

As always, nature was the inspiration for this painting. This life force, which is in us and in every animal, in every tree, fruit, leaf, even soil or seemingly dead log, is the core, meaning, source of our existence. It is also what people are constantly looking for, what they pray for, what they worship and why they offer sacrifices, without realizing that the only place to look for God is themselves. We are part of nature, an inseparable element of the great, complex ecosystem that is Earth - biological Life, created by the Source.

Observing humanity as a whole, one has the impression that we are lost somewhere in this world, that in some sense we do not fit into the whole. Destroying ourselves, constantly fighting for material goods, power, prestige, comfort. sometimes just for life. As if we were made by some mistake: no fur, no claws, no survival skills, or somebody took these qualities from us. The nest and the open sky are not enough for us, nor the underground cavity. We still want more, otherwise, we think maybe we know better than mother nature?

Or is it just a path we wander to find out where the truth lies, who we really are, to experience this beautiful awakening moment? To record these feelings in the subconscious mind, when we wake up, come out of hypnosis, discover our own talents, calling, destiny, the amazing, touching beauty of the world? When we discover that the earth and us are one thing, that animals and us are one thing, that trees and us are one thing, that me and you ... are one?

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