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Sea noise, 2022

I've never liked spending a lot of time at the seaside, probably because of the crowds of people who visit the most popular places. However, my family is strongly associated with Kashubia (cultural region in north Poland) and coastal visits are a frequent element of my calendar. When I managed to find secluded places or periods less frequently chosen for excursions, voyages to the great water became much more pleasant, and the sea noise brought me spiritual experiences, taking me into reflection state by it's monotony , and maybe even in a meditative trance.

In the book "The Healing Power of the Forest" I found a lot of inspiring tips on how to meditate in nature, focusing on its landscapes or selected elements. How to be attentive to the slightest gust of wind, the tiniest grain of sand, or how to merge with the enormity of waves, to melt into a cascade of rustling leaves. Often, when I paint, I have the impression that I am returning to this drowning state. I don't think about anything else, but those colors, structures, lines and my own movements that must imitate the water current: fluid but confident, airy, esspecialy when I paint a picture using the fluid art technique. It is when I achieve the effect of "flow mind", without compulsion, without tension, in total ease, but also concentration, the most beautiful pictures come out :)

I think art helps us get into this trance, this state of higher consciousness, so it can be a path to healing. Now even the mainstream media is paying close attention to the fact that stress is one of the main cause of diseases. Art requires a state of concentration in which worries and dark thoughts are relegated to the background. Thus it brings our minds to a different frequency, it stimulates in us what we were created for, in another dimension, what we are in fact as a whole: the Creator God.

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